
In: Tools->Loads

This command serves for application of the minimum circumscribed circle or minimum circumscribed ellipse methods to a shear load path.

The user is asked for the ID-name of the local load data_vector, which he wants to process. The procedure is currently applicable only to  stress or strain sequences on a plane, which can be e.g. retrieved by the use of Tools->Loads->Local Loads. Then the results are shown in the classic Edit/View window of the first type. The popup-menu available after the right-hand click into the table area is different from the normal view - it is changed to the following one:

The click on any of choices (MCEM, PCA, IM) starts the calculation for the shear load path described in the selected lines. A textual output of the results is provided to the report window. The MCEM (minimum circumscribed ellipse method) and MCCM (minimum circumscribed circle method) are two different ways of the shear variable decomposition. Two possible algorithms - Point Combination Algorithm (PCA) and Incremental Method (IM) - are distinguished for the MCCM option.


Edit/View of general item

Tools->Loads->Local Loads

shear variable decomposition



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